Dick Docking and Penis Rubbing 2: Foreskin. Concern


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Because of your final response.

Which is my 2nd time we sent this concern.

I have re-done a research that is thorough the physiology of male genitalia. In a nutshell, as it happens that information out there was inconsistent. In Wikipedia, two split entries of Foreskin’ and Mucous membrane’ yield contradictory outcomes: the previous states the glans penis (head regarding the penis) and glans clitoridis while the inside the prepuce (foreskin) and hood that is clitoral perhaps maybe maybe not mucous membranes’, although the latter says that the internal foreskin is really a mucous membrane layer just like the inside the eyelid or perhaps the lips. ‘ in addition, in accordance with glans penis’ of wikipedia, The epithelium associated with the glans penis is mucocutaneous muscle.’

Because of the means we discovered that the foreskin consists of Langerhans cells that are recognized as receptor of HIV virus (these details arises from OU Handbook of GUM and HIV medicine).

We have talked about these problems with a psychiatrist (this is because i’m i am incredibly concerned throughout the whole HIV/STD thingy) who warned me personally that i ought ton’t be doing penis-to-penis side-along rubbing and penis docking anymore because `it’s rubbing of mucosal cells. HIV/STD virus is likely to pass between. Why can you just just take such dangers?’

In your final answer (answer that is final), you said that the transmission chance of dick-docking is actually nonexistent and implied that penis-to-penis side-along rubbing does perhaps maybe perhaps not pose any transmission danger since the only mucous membrane for the entire cock (including shaft, foreskin, glans penis) may be the liner associated with urethra through the pee-hole up to your bladder. But i did not point out that i am uncircumcised. There’s a great amount of internal foreskin whose nature that is very very dubious of mucous membrane layer and which can be saturated in Langerhans cells.

Therefore my questions are: (1) can you please reiterate your viewpoint in the transmission threat of dick-docking and penis-to-penis side-along rubbing, citing the explanation for?? let’s say certainly one of us shot the strain? Would the strain shoot right at the urethra during docking. (2) should we put a condom on while we do dick-docking and penis-to-penis side-along rubbing? (3) must I perform a circumcision, as some studies from Kenya(!) recommend it decreases the possibility of transmission of HIV along with other STDs? Do it is believed by you?? (4) exactly why are Langerhans cells cited as vunerable to HIV infection? just exactly What part does it play ?? (5) how come the definition of membrane that is `mucous so important in HIV disease? The facts anyhow?? Would HIV or other STDs have throughout the membrane layer and infect other people??

As bothersome that you wouldn’t find my queries offensive or devious in any way as I am, I sincerely do hope. Debate results in better understanding. To be able in my situation to own some type of peace, might you painstakingly respond to my concerns??

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My estimation regarding HIV transmission/acquisition associated to frottage (penis-to-penis rubbing, “dick-docking”) remains unchanged. It’s not regarded as being a danger. Could you shoot lots and strike the urethra? Yes, it really is theoretically feasible, while not more than likely, that the spunk would come into significant actually connection with the urethra’s mucous membrane layer.

If that would make you’re feeling safer much less anxious, certain. Really, I do not feel it really is necessary.

The studies do indicate that male circumcision decreases the chance for acquiring HIV. But, in the event that you follow safer intimate practices, I do not feel it is necessary.

Langerhan’s cells (dendritic cells) perform a role that is important the initiation of HIV illness by virtue associated with the cap ability of HIV to bind to particular cellular area receptors among these cells. This enables efficient presentation of HIV to CD4 cells that then become contaminated. The foreskin contains Langerhan’s cells.

A membrane that is mucous a slim layer (membrane layer) that lines all interior human anatomy passages that communicate directly with atmosphere beyond your human body, for instance the breathing and alimentary tracts, and that has specialized cells or glands that secrete mucous online dating chinese. HIV can permeate mucous membranes, however it cannot permeate skin that is intact. The foreskin just isn’t a membrane that is mucous. But, it’s a specialized types of epidermis and HIV could be adopted by the Langerhan’s (dendritic) cells positioned inside the foreskin.

We undoubtedly do not find your inquiries either “offensive or devious.” It could be somewhat confusing to attempt to explain complex information on structure or the purpose of specific cells in a forum like this forum. Therefore the physiology training is finished for today.