Smart solutions, also called bright, is a Canadian business based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and hundred percent owned by simply Foxconn. Were only available in 1987, Smart is renowned simply because the inventor of interactive online whiteboards widely used in business and education. Smart table is a portable and ergonomic software that allows to get a multi-tasking ways to computing. The multi-touch display and linked software is created to maximize performance and reduce costs while get together productivity desired goals. Smart technologies are prepared for ease of use and share increased operation through the the use of electronic digital media such as text, images, video, audio and computer software on the boards.

Smart technology are a revolution in terms of just how businesses are employing technology to help improve their particular workflow and minimize costs. Smart technologies such as electronic dashboards, virtual assistants, mobile phones, software applications, web based application websites and other clever devices are making the workplace an even more intelligent place, where info can be used in real time and improved output can be assessed. Virtual co-workers are an sort of smart systems that support companies boost productivity without having to hire additional staff. Electronic assistants deal with administrative responsibilities such as info entry, mobile phone answering, and scheduling electronic mail to save time and enhance worker relations.

Various other examples of smart technologies consist of artificial brains (AI), software, web analytics, web surfing, content control and machine learning. Manufactured intelligence identifies the ability to collect information that can be used to make an informed decision. Automation refers to systems and software that allow users to create, put together and control activities and individuals with little supervision. Web analytics gathers and analyzes data from websites to know user behavior. Content operations requires organizing, obtaining and controlling digital articles, which may involve photographs, text or audio files, videos, records or websites.